Transform Unstructured Information into Usable Data with IntelligentDocument Processing

Transform Unstructured Information
into Usable Data with Intelligent
Document Processing


Associations have enormous volumes of data in different records. Notwithstanding, separating and gathering helpful, blunder-free information includes tremendous expense, time, and human exertion. Shrewd Record Handling (IDP) is the cutting-edge answer for removing information from complex archives and introducing it to insignificant, simple-to-utilize, open organizations. IDP joins computer-based intelligence and OCR to remove data from unstructured or semi-organized records like solicitations, account opening structures, and agreements to sort, group, separate pertinent data, and approve the extricated information. AG Advances offers IDP arrangements joined with robotization that definitely decrease the manual exertion of your group.

Our Key Differentiators

  • Start to finish IDP arrangements including warning, disclosure, plan, execution, backing, and support.
  • a powerful group of more than 50 automation experts with more than five years of IDP service expertise.
  • leveraging a variety of tools and technologies like Python, Abbyy, IQ Bot, etc., to create unique solutions.

Customer Benefits

Reduced Efforts

Manual effort spent on opening, reading, and inputting data from documents to your ERP can be drastically reduced.

Increased Accuracy

No more human errors. Get a significant increase in data accuracy.