TPA Insurance and Corporate Credit Business

TPA Insurance and Corporate Credit Business

Key Challenges

The process was ineffective due to many manual steps and sub-activities that require human judgment.

Some of the key challenges were:

  • The process was moderately complex and required checks and validation from multiple departments
  • A time-intensive job with the expertise needed for execution depending on scenarios
  • High individual dependence and various departments in presence contribute to delays in the process
  • The possibility of human error was high in the processing

Our Solution

Our team took an RPA approach and design a solution that needs end-to-end process automation.

  • Patients with insurance who undergo cashless care are extracted by a bot.
  • A bot creates receivable ledger entries in SAP, which results in an automatic email to the appropriate TPA.
  • If a payment is received, the bot adjusts the ledger record in SAP in accordance with business conventions after checking the mail and website for receivable payments.
  • A bot prepares a payment file for the bank and sends the customer an email.

Automation Benefits

The deployed solution streamlines the operation and enhances the end-to-end TPA Insurance and Corporate Credit Business process. Here are some benefits after automation was visible.

  • Ensure continuity of operation during influx transaction
  • Keep a high customer satisfaction ratio
  • Reduction of effort: 70 to 100%
  • Staff were redeployed to perform valuable operations
  • Financial and compliance risk minimized
  • Reduce hospital backlogs
  • Efficiency improved